I embarked on an unforgettable journey to the stunning northwest of Corfu and its enchanting old town. This adventure combined capturing the island's beauty with indulging in its rich culinary offerings. From the picturesque villages of Afionas and Lakones to the seaside charm of Benitses, each location presented new gems to discover.
With my Fujifilm X-T4 and versatile Fuji XC 50-230mm lens, I captured breathtaking vistas that make Corfu a photographer's paradise. The impressive zoom range of this lens offered a unique blend of compression and reach, perfect for the lush landscapes.
Venturing into video making, I used the Fujinon XF 10-24mm lens to bring Corfu to life in motion. Its wide-angle views provided the depth needed to capture the island's essence, making it my constant companion.